This’s not about JB that we used to love. It’s about JB that we need.

Let’s imagine. What if this album’s really suck? Just imagine you’ve done listen to the whole album, and then you realize this’s just another sh*t from that douche. Honestly, Justin tried all that he can do for this album. Like “Sorry” for all he’s done, or take Selena Gomez for inspiration. And yeah, you can cout the biggest names on this album, like Rick Rubin, or Kanye West, or Ed Sheeran on writing, of Diplo and Skrillex for supporting.

If this album’s really suck. It’s just simply suck.

Purpose is last chance for JB to save Pop. And his carreer

It’s not a brand new thing with he’s done before. Catchy rhythms, sweet lyrics for weak hearts. But everything’s on another level. This album’s everything that Justin-Bieber really wants to write. And trust me, Selena Gomez’s not the main idea about this album as we thought she is. This’s not suprise. Because in the end of the day, Purpose is last chance for JB to save Pop and his carreer. Not saving a broken relationship.

“Mark My Words” is a smart song, it cleverly shows JB’s golden voice. “I’ll Show You” or “What Do You Mean” or “Sorry” are all great songs when we heard them as singles. But the rest of this album are the best part. Most interesting. It’s the best Justin Bieber.

You won’t see a dancing-along-singing Justin Bieber like the old days. You will see deeper and slower songs, like “Life Is Worth Living” or that title song “Purpose”. These songs, trust me, are really great, really touching, and they show his writing talent. And yeah, we should thank him for so much things he gives us.

He brings the whole new style with “No Sense”, a rich voice with “Company”, a 100%-second-Baby “Been You”, and with the chance to bring a great song with Ed Sheeran, JB should “Love Yourself”.

Next time, JB should choose the different studio

The only problem about this album is Def Jam. We know that Def Jam is not for Pop, it’s all about Hip Hop. And when Rick Rubin and Kanye West-two biggest names of Def Jam are behind the desk, “Purpose” has to have rappers on it. Big Sean and Travis Scott are great, but they’re in just for money. I can’t hate or even bad about anything on this album, and actually, this is exaclly what Kanye told JB to do during this album. “Making great songs that people can’t hate them”. And when you pick two biggest egos on the planet into a place, everything is fine. Luckily.  Because they’re also the biggest mans of modern musics. But, next time, JB should choose the different studio

Let’s wait for Adele

This is the best Pop album so far. I love the new depth. I love the badass of a true playboy as JB in “Company” or “No Sense”, and I love his effort to become the second MJ with “Children”. I love his continous writing ability, his rich writing style, and of course, his voice in each song, how he moves the notes, how he lasts high notes. I love how this album’s packed perfectly and its rhythms, are hard to forget. You can find everything that you love aobut Pop with this album. But let’s way for one more week. Let’s wait for Adele. Justin Bieber is waiting too.

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